Wednesday, December 10, 2014

In The End, Only 3 Things Matter...

For those of you who don't know my father or who aren't Facebook friends with him, well you're missing out. I would say on a weekly basis I receive at least 6 Facebook messages from Steve about various things from inspirational quotes to funny animal YouTubes. Steve also shares all sorts of good lists and just good stuff in general on his Facebook wall. You know the feel good kind of stuff that you read and you all the sudden feel empowered and good like you can do anything and make a change in the world. Yes Steve is the king of finding such quotes and what not. So anyways a while ago he sent me this picture quote:

Okay so I won't lie... Steve sends me a lot of stuff and you know with the busy schedule I have I tend to skim or look quickly after the second or third message he sends me. This was one of those gems that I overlooked and saw today. Today is just one of those days when I needed a pick me up so I thought I would see what advice or what feel good YouTube I could find from good old Steve to help me out with my day. I came across this quote and it really just did the trick. In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you. Buddha was clearly a wise man because this is what I think everyone needs to live by in this world of ridiculousness. 

Love Often

With so much hate in the world these days I feel like love is something that's hard to come by. People are so consumed with their jobs, their phones, and just their lives (I am soooo guilty of this) that I think we forget to love. We forget that other people are going through life just like we are with their own set of struggles and their own trials, and we forget to be aware of that. We forget to say thank you to the barista at Starbucks, or we don't hold the door open for the mother of 3 behind us because we are in such a rush, or we don't smile and say hi to a stranger you happen to make awkward eye contact with. Little things make such a huge difference. 
We judge those around us for their differences whether they're a BYU or Utah fan, Mormon, Catholic, white, black, brown, Asian, gay, straight, American, Candian, whatever it is. Everyone is so judgmental these days (especially in Utah).  Why does it matter what people look like or  how they choose to worship and spend their Sundays who someone chooses to love? Everyone is different so be respectful of others and love them rather for how they treat you. Love people regardless of your differences and don't judge them for not agreeing with you. I think sometimes we take people for granted. Whether its our family or friends we just expect certain people to always be there for us. Yet sometimes we forget friendship and love is a two way street. We have to put in what we expect to get out.   Where love is demanded love needs to be given. We need to love and learn to love deeply and passionately and unconditionally. Especially the people who have been there from the beginning. Now love is a big word I for one don't like to use it unless I truly mean it, but love isn't just a word. Its an verb that can be showed through every aspect of our day by the simplest of actions to those around us. Whether its your mom, your best friend, a complete stranger keep in mind that the smallest actions of love can have the biggest lasting impacts. Be there for those who are there for you. Be the shoulder to cry on, be the listening ear, be that person that can be trusted. Our happiness is found in the way we love and treat others, so choose to be happy and choose to love. 

Live Gently

So living gently... The first thing that comes to mind when I hear living gently is a monk. Monks take vows of silence for years, they live a simple life hanging out in robes, praying, lighting incense, but while it is simple it is also a meaningful and purposeful life devoting themselves to their religious beliefs. But lets be honest in reality I don't think this is what it means to live gently. I think living gently means to live a happy, purposeful, and peaceful life. I think it means to live within your means and to just really grab life by the horns and just rock it. Everyone is different with different religious backgrounds, racial backgrounds, financial situations, and different trials. But when we love ourselves and the hand we are dealt, all the sudden the trials seem to disappear. Everyone has different aspirations in life. Example, some of my friends their main goal in life was get married in the Mormon temple to a return missionary and start a family all by the time they're 20 years old. There's nothing wrong that. I thought they were crazy but you know, to each their own. Myself on the other hand wanted to graduate from school, get a job, and become financially stable and have my own life figured out before I brought someone else into it. We are all different with different preferences, opinions, and views. But I believe as long as we are truly happy, working towards our own end goal in life, and living at peace with ourselves and our choices then we are fulfilling the concept of living gently. I'm not saying you can't raise a little hell every now and then because we all know mistakes and stupid decisions result in 1. lessons learned 2. cool scars and 3. the best stories. These are all critical parts to life and finding our way. So don't just live a gentle quiet life. Live gently yet powerfully and at peace with yourself. 

Gracefully Let Go

Letting go is so hard lets be honest. For those who have had their hearts crushed, their dog ran away, or have lost a loved one its so hard to let go. Its so hard to let go of things that are not meant for you especially when you believed they were. But everything happens for a reason. People come and go out of our lives. I honestly do believe certain people come into our lives for a reason. I also believe certain people leave our lives for a reason. So what happens when you have your mind set on something and it doesn't work out? Whatever it might be, lets say love for example. Situation: you have found the one for you. This individual you love with all your heart and you see your future with them, but then something happens. It changes and they leave and you are left there all alone feeling defeated. How do let go of things that aren't meant for you? As cliche as this sounds, having a positive attitude is more than half the battle. Realizing that better things are yet to come and that it didn't work out it didn't for a reason that you just don't know yet. I love love love country music. I've noticed majority of country songs are 3 different things: 1. alcohol specifically beer and whiskey (rum if you're Kenny Chesney) 2. Break ups and Make ups and 3. Trucks. Sometimes you get a country song that has all three, I call that the country trifecta. Anyways I was listening to a song by Cole Sidwell called "Ain't worth the whiskey" and its a song about a break up (#2) and how the break up with this girl just aint worth the whiskey (#1). Clearly the break up was heart wrenching if he wrote a song about it, but either way it wasn't worth the whiskey. Now lets apply it to real life. Bad things happen. We can never have what we want or who we want, but what do we do about? When things don't work out your way you know what, its okay. Life goes on and it isn't worth the whiskey. So don't mope around and have a pity party. Do something about it. Find happiness because its a choice and we all deserve a happy ending. So when your heart is broken or you don't make the high school football team or you don't get that awesome intern in the New York just remember, it aint worth the whiskey and gracefully let go of the things that aren't meant for you. You obviously are meant for something greater you just don't know it yet. 

Only three things matter in our amazing lives... Could you imagine if we actually lived like this? If whether we went to heaven or hell was based off of how we loved those around us, how gently we lived, and how gracefully we let go of things that aren't meant for us? I think we would all live a much happier simpler life. I think people would see the value we each have and just in life in general. People wouldn't judge others for their differences and rather would accept them and love them for the intentions of their heart. Just because someone's on a different path than you doesn't mean its necessarily the wrong path. So love those around you on different paths because believe it or not your paths crossed for a reason. Don't take people for granted. Be there for your friends and family. Do nice things for people and love and accept others despite their differences. Live gently. Laugh every second you get. Choose to be happy. Live a life striving for peace, but make sure you raise a little hell along the way to keep things interesting. Lastly accept life as it comes. Whether good or bad whatever happens to you accept it with grace and move on. If its good, then be thankful. If its bad, know there's bigger things in store for you. Three simple ways to live and really, those three simple things are all that matters. Regardless of who we are, what we believe, and how we live these three things can apply to everyone and can honestly make us a better and happier people. So here's my take on all this...

In the end, Only 3 things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you... but in the end make sure you raise a little hell because everyone loves cool scars and good stories.
